Countdown to
SRP Election Day!

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Univision – Clientes de SRP elegirán a miembros de la mesa directiva

Este año la compañía SRP, cuya misión ha sido proporcionar agua y energía a cerca de 2 millones de arizonenses, llevará a cabo las elecciones especiales para elegir a la junta directiva responsable de establecer las regulaciones que afectan directamente los recursos hídricos y energéticos.

Sunrise Arizona Bringing the Heat: Climate Emergency Protest

Maricopa County Democratic Party AZ

In the past year, an additional 500 Arizonans have died from extreme heat, dozens of heat records have been shattered, and thousands of Arizonans experiencing houselessness have been forced to endure deadly temperatures. Arizona is on the frontlines of this crisis. It’s time Biden starts acting like it. Biden does not have our votes if […]

Blue Tuesday Luncheon Forum


Meets monthly on the last Tuesday. By Democrats, for Democrats. Saving Democracy one luncheon at a time. On Zoom for now, in-person again eventually. RSVP by emailing

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